Webflow For Beginners : Create Your first Website on Webflow




Webflow is an innovative and brilliant tool for web designers. It allows you to build custom websites visually.

In this class we will go through all the features of Webflow I will take you through all the different elements you’ll be using. Then we cover how to correctly structure websites using div blocks, containers, sections, grids and Flexbox.

By using all the elements and layouts we will learn how we can create amazing and responsive websites .

Who is it for?

Well, it’s for everyone. Newcomers and professionals. Web designers and users who don’t enjoy bothering the code, but need easily customized platform.

With Webflow you can build a prototype that is already a finished product. How cool is that?

It’s an excellent tool to showcase your projects online either for your customers or team members! Webflow will save you a ton of time. Rather than sketching your projects in Figma or any other software and then coding it into a real product use a different approach with Webflow.

If you want to get started with webflow this course is best for you .

So if you’re ready, we’ll get you started learning most of what Webflow has to offer in order to create beautiful responsive websites!