Introduction To Android Unit Testing and TDD for beginners



-Update :9/4/2020

This course designed as entry level for Unit Testing and TDD with Android, So if you are looking for advanced course this course may not be helpful for you because it is the foundation course to learn Junit, Mockito , TDD  and simple example with MVP Design Pattern.


Hi My friends and Welcome to my new course in Android Development

This course about interesting topic in Android Development. It is about TDD and Unit Testing for Android App Development .


I am Mahmoud Ramadan and I am software engineer passionate about Android development .I have build many applications like chatting ,augmented reality, streaming and event based apps.I am happy to share my knowledge with you.

By end of this course you will be able to

  • Build Android Apps using Test Driven Development

  • Write Unit Testing for your Android Application

  • learn Junit Framwork by examples

  • learn Mockito Framwork by examples

Test Driven Development is a great software approach to build high quality software systems in general and android apps in particular .After using TDD you will not be afraid of any change in your code any more because you have tests that fail if there is some thing wrong.TDD has Cycle of Three Steps Red ,Green and refactor ,In a simple way you start coding by writing test first and then write actual implementaion to make this test pass and finally you do refactor to enhance the existing code.

In this course we will use Junit and mockito as our tools for writing the unit test for our android app.At the beginning we are going to learn the concepts of Junit and Mockito in java then we will apply these concepts with our Android APP using TDD and Model View Presenter (MVP)Design pattern

Course Content:

  • Introduction for Test Driven Development(TDD)

  • Introduction for Behavior Driven Development(BDD)

  • Testing Types for Android Development (white and black box testing)

  • learn Junit by exmaples

  • learn Mockito by examples

  • Build Android App Using TDD and MVP

  • additional material for learning

Why you should take this course:

This course is designed for android developers with no background in Android testing in general and in Unit testing for Android app development in particular.This course will help you Build your next android apps using TDD with Model View Presenter .This course has 30 day money back guarantee so there is no an risk to take this course , So what are you waiting .ENROLL NOW


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