How To Launch and Grow a Premium Pet Business LIVE 2020



Do you dream of quitting the rat-race and starting your own premium pet business?

Are you sick of the 9 to 5 existence and are you desperate to turn your passion for pooches into a profitable business?

Are you worried about launching a pet business during a recession, or do you already have a pet business and are struggling since lockdown? 

Leaving your steady job and starting a dog walking, dog grooming or dog training business can be incredibly stressfull, and no matter how much you love pets, the truth is it’s hard to make any money if all you do is copy the other (average) pet business in your town.

The way to stand out from the competition (and ensure your pet business is a success) is to follow the road less travelled and create a ‘premium pet business from day one.

That’s exactly what I did with my own pet business in 2011, and it’s the tried and tested formula I’ve taught to hundreds of my pet business owning coaching clients, all over the world.

Now, for the first time ever you can get access to my secrets with the release of the ‘How to Launch and Grow a Premium Pet Business’ LIVE seminar.

In this exclusive training, you will discover;

How to charge premium prices for your pet services (and how to increase prices without losing clients)

How to stand out from the ever growing competition (and create an uncopyable ‘premium’ pet business)

How to create a tribe of affluent dog owners who always refer you to their dog owning friends (this was you have a steady stream of inquiries coming through the door)

How to use ‘offline’ marketing methods that connect with local dog owners (so you STOP wasting countless hours on social media)

How to protect your pet business against future lockdowns so you can continue to grow through the recession (this is the exact same thing I did when I launched during the last recession in 2011) 

Your teacher for this course is the Dom Hodgson, the author of the pet business bibles Walk Yourself Wealthy and The Ultimate Pet Business Plan, and is widely regarded as the worlds leading pet business coach.

Dom will take you by the hand and guide you through the exact steps you need to take to create your own, dream pet business that is sustainable, fun AND profitable.

Lets get started! 


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