Fiverr: How to Create a Highly Profitable Fiverr Gig



Do you want to start freelancing online, make a side-income with your hobby, and learn a framework I have used to gross over $15,000 on Fiverr? I became a level 2-seller and brought in close to 150 orders –  all of which were 5-star reviews, and grew my personal brand while having fun and doing what I love the entire time.

My name is Daniel Knecht and this is my second course teaching here exclusively on Udemy. My first course covered building an affiliate-marketing website using Wix and I was blown away by some of the positive reviews I had on that course. The course quickly rose to becoming top-rated in its category and I am back again with some fresh content to continue to help as many people as possible earn an online income from a passion hobby or skill. A little bit more about me, I am currently working on my MBA degree in data analytics and have an undergrad degree in Mechanical Engineering. The engineering degree taught me just how much I love breaking things down and understanding how they work, and so in 2013; I went on a mission to figure out how to build a successful online freelance business. This course is the culmination of those years of trial and error and lessons learned along the way.

I realize how often interfaces and platforms change so this course is designed to be evergreen and always relevant no matter what changes in the outside environment. This course is a business framework with tried and true principles that must be at the foundation of any online business no matter how big or small. After completing this course, you will have the key principles to focus on and the key things to avoid when building your freelance enterprise. I hope this course will complement any other learning that you are doing online, almost like the foundation of a house that you can stack bricks of knowledge upon as high as you would like to grow. These strategies work. If you apply them in the way and sequence that I outline, they will give you a competitive advantage regardless of what market or industry you are operating in. I will provide you with some visual walk-through examples of at least one popular freelance platform along the way as we work to build exciting marketing material.

Remember that the platform you use to put your sales pitch together is only the mechanics, the gold lies in the content itself and the psychology and marketing principles behind why it works. That is the content of this course.

Course Outline:

Moreover, you will learn:

  1. How to build your brand

  2. The anatomy of the perfect gig

  3. Powerful strategies for customer interaction

  4. How to drive traffic to your storefront without the aid of an algorithm

Driving traffic to your gig is not necessary however; I want to maximize your chances of success so consider the last segment a bonus. The first three segments will set you up with the core foundation for success with the main point being that your customer is at the center of everything that you do with your freelance business. Your brand starts with your customer in mind. The gig marketing begins with the customer. Your communications are all about putting your customer first. The more focused you are on meeting the needs of your customers and defining and refining who that customer is, the more business you will do online.


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