Docker for Beginners



This course is all about Docker

Understand HOW Docker works and learn its core features ON PRACTICE. This is 90% practice course without no useless demos!

Learn how to create different containers like Node.js, Python, WordPress, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch and much more.

Become a master of Docker by understanding and practicing its main features.

All project files are available in the GitHub repository.

We will start by installing Docker on your computer – MacOS, Windows or Linux. On MacOS and Windows you will install Docker Desktop, on Linux you will install Docker Engine.

Afterwards we will jump into tons of practice activities and use different Docker features. You will pull different docker images and run multiple containers using them.

In practice sections you will perform multiple practice Docker activities:

  1. Run Docker containers in foreground and background

  2. Connect to certain process in the Docker from the Terminal

  3. Expose internal container ports to outside

  4. Add environment variable for container

  5. Create custom names and hostnames for container

  6. Create custom bridge network and run multiple containers inside of it

  7. Communicate between containers

  8. Persist containers folders using volumes mapping

You will also learn and practice how to use following Docker images

  1. Ubuntu

  2. Alpine, Busybox

  3. Node.js

  4. Python

  5. MongoDB

  6. MySQL, phpMyAdmin

  7. NGINX

  8. WordPress

  9. Elasticsearch

  10. Redis

  11. Httpd

During the course you will need to view and edit text files. For that you will NOT use terminal. Instead you will use GUI application VisualStudio Code. Also all project files are available in the GitHub repository. This means that during this course you will also learn how to use

  • Git and GitHub

  • VisualStudio Code

With this course you will get lifetime-long access to more than 50 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will get fundamental practical knowledge of Docker and be able to easily use it for development and testing of your applications.

But most important is that you will UNDERSTAND Docker main features like

  • Docker Volumes

  • Docker Networking

  • Environment Variables

You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!

Don’t wait and join the course now!

Para quem é este curso:

  • Any software developers


  • No specific requirements, just desire to make your hands dirty and learn Docker by doing
  • Any computer – Mac, Windows or Linux

O que você aprenderá:

  • How to use Docker images and create Containers
  • Manage Docker containers: start, stop, prune, restart
  • Enable port mapping and expose container ports to outside
  • Run Node and Python applications using Docker Containers
  • Create environment variables for Docker containers
  • Use volumes mapping and use specific working directories in the Docker containers
  • Create custom bridge networks and run multiple containers
  • Communicate between containers by container name in the custom bridge network


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