Corporate Governance: Further Explanation (Intro. Series)



The aim of this course is to help students see the significant impact of corporate governance to the business process, as well as some of the problems with the board and corporate governance today. Corporate governance is primarily concerned with the explicit and implicit contracts between an organization and its stakeholders, for responsibilities and rewards, as well as systems of checks and balances. Corporate governance is extremely important for the healthy growth of a corporation, creating a culture of integrity that sustains it over time. Essentially, it is a tool for strengthening transparency within the organization and working to prevent errors before they happen. When there is proper corporate governance, it indicates that the corporation is well run and stakeholders’ interests are also aligned. As a result, it will help the company maintain its competitive edge. Indeed, companies such as Huawei, the NHS, and Unilever have shown the value of, or even necessitated, good corporate governance. At the same time, start-ups need sound corporate governance to succeed. As a matter of fact, corporate governance practices, risks, corporate responsibility, and environmental sustainability are related. Accordingly, recently more focus has been given to questions like “governance” and stakeholders have been paid to business and to all organizational issues.


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