Best Practice for Excel Spreadsheets



Excel is one of the most user-friendly software applications in the world, with billions of users.  But the qualities which make it so appealing – its easy of use, versatility and flexibility – also lead to Excel spreadsheets posing major risks to individuals and companies.

Spreadsheet errors, caused by carelessness or a lack of control around spreadsheets, cost individuals and companies billions of dollars every year.  Yet by implementing several intuitive and easy tips and best practice guidelines, many of these unintentional errors could be avoided.  This issue is becoming so prominent that many regulators around the world are implementing laws around End-User Computing (EUC), which encompasses Excel and other End-User Applications.

This course is the road safety guide to using Excel – just as we aren’t allowed to drive without knowing some basic road safety rules, so too should no-one, from beginner to advanced users, be using Excel without some basic best practice training.

The lessons cover controls (versioning, change management, backup, input control, access control, documentation and checks) as well as general tips and best practice guidelines, which are easy to implement and solidify into good habits.  An example spreadsheet is included in the course materials and provides a template for anyone wishing to implement these controls in their own life and work.


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