An Overview Of Identifying, Measuring And Improving Value



Value Management Overview

When you want to talk about future plans with your clients or budget holders, how often do you get rebuffed with the comment “fix that first?” Does it feel like groundhog day where the same problems rear their ugly head time and again?

How is the reputation of the technology function? Despite your best efforts are you still seen to be delivering late and below quality?

“Keeping the lights on” and the “trains running on time” is a major challenge still today. There are many reasons for these challenges, but overcoming those obstacles will be a major source of credibility. What to do?  We believe the potential to steer a clear path and avoid the common obstacles to progress lies within you and your team. That path is “DAMAC”™ :

  • Define Benefit. What’s in it for them? Whatever you do, there has to be payback for the recipient of the service, project or idea.

  • Align Outcomes to activities: Ensures that you answer the question “Are we doing the right activities?”

  • Measure Outcomes: The critical ingredient that tests whether we deliver value in concrete terms and hold ALL stakeholders to account.

  • Analyse Root Cause. Rather than attributing blame, let’s focus on WHY there is a gap between what’s measured and expected.

  • Continuous Improvement. Put in place interventions that stop the problem from occurring again.

This course is the overview of Value Management and is the first in the series of courses that covers the DAMAC framework. The Overview includes:

  • Fundamentals – DAMAC Model and Strategic Partnering

  • Our focus on Value Propositions

  • How Value Management can improve the credibility of you and your team.

  • Value and Lifecycle Management

  • Value and Business Cases: Enough information to make a decision.

The modules that complete the rest of the DAMAC framework are found here: . Benefits of applying the DAMAC framework workshop techniques:

Clarity of Purpose….

  • …for the technology service and project team.

  • Start sifting between those activities that add value and those that don’t.

  • Identify the contributions business peers make to the final outcome.

  • Recognise the fundamental principles.


  • Demonstrate how Technology contributes to the goals of the company.

  • Challenge assumptions on why an activity ought to be done.

Return On Investment

  • Make “Value” tangible and real for those impacted by IT or Digital.

  • Create meaningful measures that help articulate success.

  • Hold people to account for delivering the outcome (not the activity).


  • Slowly but surely, get the “trains running on time” by continuously targeting those failures that cause derailments to occur.


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